Fiscal Representation

If you are a non-European resident company,
appointing Alen as your fiscal representative
can give you a lot of advantages

Having a Fiscal representative is compelling in Europe because the European tax authorities state that even foreign companies have to register for local VAT and customs.

In case there is no local subsidiary, foreign companies should appoint a Fiscal Representative which will deal with all the obligations deriving from customs and VAT obligations in the name of the company.

Through a Fiscal Representative you can improve
significantly your cash-flow
because you don’t have to
anticipate any VAT on import


And, starting from the 2nd year, you will get
a total VAT exemption

Why should
you choose us

In a normal situation, in fact, a non-resident company importing goods in Europe has to pay VAT before the import declaration.

Thanks to a local Fiscal Representative like Alen, VAT will be suspended to the moment you’ll actually clear your goods.
But, asking for a VAT compensation within each declaration, we will finally claim for a total VAT refund to your name.

A further, great advantage is that we’ll make request for you to be totally exempted from VAT starting from the second year.

Being Alen your Fiscal Representative, you will gain a single point of contact with local authorities for all your customs and VAT
transactions, avoiding any risk of not being compliant or of not taking advantage of other cash-friendly schemes due to specific local
or EU regulamentations.

As your Fiscal
we will:

_ Manage the billing and accounting of your company as required for all VAT number holders in Italy
_ Account your receivable and payable invoices
_ Pay your VAT to Italian Tax Authorities within terms established by Italian Law
_ Manage all the related monthly and annual fiscal declarations
_ Support you in any possible controversy with the Italian Tax Office (Agenzia delle Entrate)